Crowdfunding for tree-beekeeping training center in Belarus
In many Western European countries and in the US tree-beekeeping is becoming more and more popular. In eastern European countries it is still a tradition that is passed from father to son… While tree-beekeeping is reintroduced into Western Europe, tree-beekeepers in the east are often not able anymore to pass their knowledge to the next generation. Now only a few old people are still keeping the bees in log-hives on trees and platforms scattered across marshlands and forests in Belarus and Northern Ukraine. We can observe how these valuable remnants of tree beekeeping are passing away without being able to transfer their knowledge.
This project aims to renovate an isolated farm by Fratrum Mellicidarum (Tree-beekeeping Brotherhood) in the middle of the Nalibocka Forst in Belarus – the biggest forest complex in this country. The house should be prepared to train young people in tree-beekeeping. The idea is to create a place where experienced experts can spread and share their unique knowledge and act as tutors for young applicants from Belarus and the neighbour countries. The aim of this action is to try to fill the gap of transmissing the traditions from the elderly to the youth. Tree-beekeepers in Belarus try to preserve the most natural way of beekeeping – and we can help them doing this! But is also the aim to express that natural-beekeeping is a way of living . The money should also serve to establish a tree farm containing 100 log hives.
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