I take responsibility and help!
Donate Now
On behalf of all 150,000 bee colonies in Switzerland, we thank you for your support. Thanks to your donation, we can realize new projects and continue to actively create transparency – for the benefit of the bee.
FREETHEBEES is exempt from taxes as a non-profit association. Financial grants and donations can be deducted from taxes by the benefactor.
What is more convenient for you: Donate online or order a payment slip.
Become a member
Like any non-profit organization, FREETHEBEES thrives thanks to the concrete efforts and support of its members and patrons. Possible support can be provided in many different ways.
In addition to financial support, we are particularly interested in active support in various areas. Language skills, hive construction (wood), politics, legal aspects, graphics, organization, fundraising, secretariat, logistics, beekeeping, course management, etc.. Each with his specific skills and each according to his own pace and the strength available to him. What counts is the collective performance, not the level of individual performance. The FREETHEBEES board guarantees the optimal, effective, efficient and targeted use of all the services entrusted to us.
Legacies and heirs
The feeling of leaving something good to the world eases the thought of death. In Switzerland, assets are often passed on via legal succession. The personal wishes of the testator are not always taken into account. That’s why it’s important to think in good time about who should receive your assets one day.
LINK > How do I benefit FREETHEBEES after my death?
Voluntary commitment
A wise man from WWF once said: “Conservation without money is just conversation”. Help us out, we have compiled here for you our support needs in every possible size in the form of a wish list.
LINK >Translations (concepts, courses, website)
Unsere Arbeiten und unser Anliegen ist grenz- und sprachübergreifend von Interesse. Je mehr unserer Arbeiten übersetzt sind, umso grösser deren Wirkung.
LINK >Legal support
The current situation shows how legal texts can be arbitrarily interpreted and implemented (e.g. the prevention of the distribution of bee nesting boxes by the Federal Veterinary Office on the basis of an arbitrary interpretation of the Animal Diseases Act). Help us create legal transparency here and protect semi-natural and natural beekeepers from regressive attacks.
LINK > Roll up your sleeves and help! Each in his own field and with his specific knowledge.
We are sure to have the right job for you! Do you feel right in your element working with wood, office work, gardening, organizing, etc.? Everyone can do something for the bees!